Replacement Rockets 8-Pack for Pump Rocket Mini & Jump Rocket Mini

It's always helpful to have extra rockets on hand, to add to the fun, OR in case one gets lost, stuck in a tree, or up on a roof. These 6-inch long MINI Rockets are our smallest-sized Replacement Rockets, and fit onto the launch tube of ALL the following Pump Rocket MINI items:
- PUMP ROCKET MINI 1-Rocket Set (#12925)
- JUMP ROCKET MINI Set (#12902)
- SQUEEZE SHOTZ (#12922)
These Mini Replacement Rockets also fit all Pump Rocket Junior (JR) items and all JUMP ROCKET items, and can be used interchangeably with the slightly larger Replacement Rockets 4-Pack for Pump Rocket JR & Jump Rocket, #12914.
Age 3 & up.
Package Dimensions: 1" x 6.75" x 8.5"
Item #12924